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Online Short/Cut Program Instructions for Contributors

Help Instructions Download/Print the instructions in PDF format Acrobat Reader

                       I. Log In
                       II. Enter a complete recipe
(Title, Subtitle, Ingredient, Method, Contributor Name, Recipe Note)
                       III. Multi-part recipe
                       IV. Enter a poem "recipe"
                       V. View sample and submit recipe

        I. Log in using the Web ID provided by your Chairperson.

        II. Contributors can then begin entering recipes by selecting "Post a Recipe". Select the appropriate section for your recipe, enter the recipe title and subtitle (if you have one). Then enter the ingredients (one ingredient per line) in the order in which they are used in the recipe. Type in the method, including oven temperatures, etc as appropriate. Fill out the contributor’s name (only 2 lines available) in the appropriate box at the bottom. Enter recipe notes if applicable. Use the "Spell Checking" feature for ingredient and method if necessary.
Note: Use all upper/lower case letters - NOT ALL CAPS. The ingredient box allows only one ingredient per line. Hit the Enter key after each ingredient.

  • Do not hit the Enter key until you have finished the entire ingredient description.
  • Do not hit the Tab key or try to make 2 columns. Be sure to use the standard abbreviations.
  • Do not hit the Enter key until you are ready to begin another paragraph, when typing the recipe method, Do not include a blank line between paragraphs.

        III. When typing multi-part recipes (for instance, a cake with its frosting), select the number of parts this recipe has at the top of the screen. As you enter the recipe, be sure to include the subheading for each part. Also, do not forget to enter recipe notes and contributor's name at the bottom of the screen if applicable. Recipe notes are a maximum 4 lines of copy and do not pertain to the preparation of the recipe. Recipe notes are also an additional per book charge. (Examples of recipe notes: "This recipe makes a great appetizer for that special occasion or just for that special party." "This recipe was a long-time family favorite, especially when we all gathered on Sunday afternoon after church.") "Serve 6" or "Freezes well" is not considered a Recipe Notes. Once each part is entered in its entirety, select 'View Sample' to double check your recipe. If no corrections are necessary, then you can go ahead and submit the entire recipe.

        IV. Some "recipes" may not be recipes at all but may be a poem or some other inspirational writing. You may include these in your cookbook as long as you have a title. The entire text should be typed in the method box, not the ingredient box. Remember, anything typed in the ingredient box will be placed in 2 column format in your final book. Poems will not format properly this way.
      Note: Some poems have stanzas that require a blank line between them. Normally, our data entry department will ignore blank lines in the method. To insert a blank line between stanzas, use the special code
*BLKLIN where the blank line belongs. Our data entry department will convert this code to a blank line in your final cookbook.


        V. Once the recipe is typed, review the recipe by clicking "View Sample". Make any necessary corrections at that time. Click "Submit Recipe" when the recipe is typed correctly. Once the recipe is submitted, the contributor will not be able to retrieve it; only the chairperson can make the changes then.






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