Cookbook Checklist
  Please review thoroughly the following checklists.
Final Design Checklist—
Pick your binding style.
Choose your cover & divider set.
Choose your recipe format.
Determine the content of your local information pages.
Review the options listed on the order form. Be sure to clearly mark any you wish to include in your cookbook.
Final Recipe Checklist—
Sort recipes into sections. Within each section, place recipes in the order you wish them to appear in your cookbook.
Proof all recipes.
* Remember: Use uniform sheets of paper for submitting recipes. Tape smaller recipes to larger pieces of paper in order to keep submission size uniform.
Final Order Form Checklist—
Write the name of the organization or individual publishing this book.
Complete ALL four (4) addresses so that questions, correspondence, delivery and billing are all directed to the correct locations.
Write the quantity of cookbooks you intend to order.
Determine your base cost per cookbook. This includes the number of recipes, and the number of books in your order.
Review and complete each section of the order form.
Calculate your total.
Have two (2) non-related adults sign the back of the order form, if applying for credit terms. Otherwise,
be sure to include the 50% deposit.
Late Submissions—
Be sure to submit all items and/or recipes with the order. Late submissions are acceptable before production begins, but will cause delays and incur an additional charge. $10.00 per item - $25.00 minimum